jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2009

Social Media

Social Media has been evolving in time since we first started worring of what happened in the world while we were in other places. People get involve in social media because they are interested in knowing things that happen to friends, family, etc. Users might want to meet you with random intentions so thats way you need to be prepared. Education towards the Internet media has to be in depth because you need know what and how are using in the Internet.

The interesting part of the internet is that you can interact with people,find accurate information and download movies and music. Internet has been the basic form of social media having people read the news in the internet rather than buying the newspaper. I think the fact that social media has been evolving in time is great for all of us who share or interact with others but it has many dangers too. People might wanna meet you in Facebook or other social media blog, and have bad intentions towards you meaning that they might share your information with others. There have been many cases that thanks to these kind of situations, people get kidnap. I am sure most of us wont share a thing with strangers but we just need to be informed.

In conclusion i think the evolution of social media is a great thing for society because although you can fall in the habit of checking your blog accounts instead of practicing some sport, this is definitely a good thing. People can intereact with others and also, mentioning the internet, it is safe to know the dangers and you might want to be well informed to prevent situations that can affect you.

4 comentarios:

  1. some people don´t even know about how dangerous is to have personal information that someone may used and share it. It is a fact that sometimes it happens. I agree with comment, technology has gone beyond that sometime is out of our hands.
    I do not agree with the fact that people change their activity to be on internet, if you really want to read the newspaper, you get it and read it instead of looking the webnews. If you want to do some exercise you´ll do it.
    having private accounts risks your safety, so be careful and be sure who are your friends at any account. your paragraphs were very good, I gotta say that i wasn´t aware of this till you said it. watch out! and do not share our personal information!

  2. I agree with you in all the advantages of technology, like reading online newspaper instead of buying it. I also agree with the fact that people sometimes add you on facebook because they have bad intentions like kidnapping. Overall pretty good, and I agree with all of your thoughts.

  3. interesting thoughts, thanks for sharing

  4. Charlemangy, I like what you write, but I feel different about how you concluded. I believe that this revolution is somewhat harmful rather than beneficial, not because it is a bad thing, but because it shifts life from the view of a window, to a windows vista. Reality turns into virtuality.
